14 March 2009

{reading} ....abc's, abc's, abc's

as i've stated before annie is crazy about letters. all 26 of them. she can be heard humming the alphabet song or sneaking on my computer to type her name out...a-n-n-i-e-, a-n-n-i-e over and over day in and day out. she will read her books for hours, she reads to her baby dolls, to her stuffed animals, to her teapots, anything. her favorite place in the whole world these days, big surprise, is the library. we try to go once a week. she will grab a "magazine" and sit at the table and just soak in all the letters in front of her. we have flash cards at home that we work on with her identifying the letters and the objects that begin with those letters. i love to watch her learn. to be excited when she gets it. she's a sponge. she's intense. don't interrupt her when she's reading - it's too important. her response always is....."in a minute"....


Sarah said...

She remninds me of my little man! What a treasure.

Jen said...

She looks like the perfect student! So adorable!