today while the blossoms still cling to the vine
i'll taste your strawberries i'll drink your sweet wine
a million tomorrows shall all pass away
ere i forget all the joys that are mine, today.
{r. spark}

{2005 - annie was with us - can you spot her?!}
breathe meg, breathe. those words still ring in my ears. your reminder to me when we sang together. you always said i had such a lovely voice, just like my sisters. me, always too shy to sing in front an audience. i have so many happy memories of our days together. sitting around the thanksgiving table completely full from the wonderful meal mom + you made us and always breaking out into song. family cookouts with the deans and the williams's. i loved when you sang with jack + jack. was there ever a blend of voices better than you three?! i used to sit on the stairs while your quartet rehearsed in the living room so i could hear your amazing harmonies. i bet you didn't know that?!! i would never ever tire of hearing goodbye, my coney island baby. you guys were the best. sometimes i'd be brave enough to open the door and sit on the sofa. i was always in awe. i can never hear a peter, paul + mary song without being immediately transported back to ridgefield, ct. circa 1960something. the great mandella pumping through your stereo speakers in the living room. or late nights at the ryders and me curled up on the couch so tired from the day of swimming and being lulled to sleep by leaving on a jet plane. music has always been a huge part of our family fabric. we sang at family gatherings, the happy times + the sad times, we would break out in song after a dinner at the elms or after church in the driveway. you, always teaching us girls a new tag from barbershop. i have you to thank for my love of music. of course i have you to thank for many things in my life. but i just want you to know that there is always a melody in my head + heart and that melody is you dad. i love you and i thank my lucky stars that i was chosen to be your daughter. happy father's day daddy. xo

1 comment:
Just so beautifully written from your sweet heart, Meg. Tears, but happy tears, too...happy because I have had the honor of being one of his three lucky daughters who shares those memories with you, and will be forever grateful that a man like William John Manion is our dad. Ere I forget all the joys that are mine, Today...xoxo
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