07 February 2011

[soul song]. | newburyport ma

"...and what does it mean,"
i asked, "to follow your heart?"
she laughed and beat on her drum.
"so you want my secret recipe?"
she said.  i said yes.
"to follow your heart is as simple as closing your eyes
and listening to the rhythm
of your soul song.
once you find the beat
you will always walk in tune..."
                                   {no.194} m. duval

a five year old always follows her heart. without a care in the world. a twirl, a smile, a glimpse in a mirror.
a snippet of a moment within a million snippets of moments. my gal. getting ready for her ballet class. for
whatever reason, and honestly do we question a five year old, she wanted to stand on the bathroom counter.
she studied her face in the mirror. she glimpsed up and down at herself. she posed. she blew a kiss. she smiled. she was quiet. i took her picture. i had to. she had found the beat of her own soul song. and i didn't want to forget a single moment. 
she is pure delight. xo






JAR Photography & Design said...

So sweet... does she love elephants? The last pic looks like she is hugging an elephant. LOL My daughter is OBSESSED with elephants. :)

JAR Photography & Design said...

Well all the pics actually. LOL :)

Matt Conlon said...

She is getting so big!

Bil said...

that's one cute daughter you've got there

Anonymous said...

Goodness she is SO precious!!! I love them all but my fav is the mirror shot of mommy taking a photo of the smiley girl, LOVE IT!!! Thank you for sharing her wonderful journey, Meg, it makes my day every time! xoxo, Keekoo

monet b. photography said...

Adore these Annie moments!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Meggie she is getting so tall! I wish I could see her in person, but sure do love seeing her through your lens! I wish every 5 year old would be as loved as Annie is! Being a parent is an honor! They are not ours, really, just on loan for a while. I'm so happy for you that you are lapping up every delicious moment! I miss you both and send all my love! xo MB