26 February 2011

[film.again.] | newburyport ma

i remember saying i would never ever give up my film camera and switch to digital. and then i did. i remember saying i would never use photoshop to edit my images. and then i did. i remember saying i would never use actions i would be a straight out of the camera gal. and then i did. i remember saying i would never shoot raw. and then i did. i remember saying i would never use lightroom. and then i did. and i remember saying i would never go back to film.
and then i did.
and i was happy. a different kind of happy. memories of high school - memories of my dad. memories of discovering photography for the first time. full circle. it's good.
we shall see where this journey takes me. thank you h. xo

an old film scan - java + kylie rose - circa 2001


vanessa said...

oh my gosh, this is adorable! and i love that it's film!

Avery said...

Interesting tthoughts