06 February 2011

[beauty my camera finds] | newburyport ma

today i had a conversation with my true self. she asked me why i had abandoned her, why i had ignored all her constant advice. and then she reminded  me of  all the things i had forgotten. 
and never once did she say, "i told you so." {m. duval}

there are moments i stop myself and take a breath. there are moments i forget. but when i do take a moment and remember what makes my heart happy. everything else falls into place. it will all be okay. 
this i know is true - the beauty my camera finds. xo


Sharon Neves Photography said...

BEAUTIFUL picture! I bet this is just awesome in color as well!!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Wonderful and wise words and beautiful young lady. Wisdom for us all.

Have a great new week ~ Deb