28 August 2011

[august break no. 6] - what hurricane? | newburyport, ma

you do not have to be a hurricane to turn things around.

thankfully irene seemed to fizzle when she arrived in our neck of the woods. those that are struggling with her effects are in my thoughts. the ocean was incredible. on plum island - annie and  i lasted about 30 seconds when we got out of the car because the wind was so intense and the sand. yikes. annie and i couldn't see but bil braved it and went down to the beach. the waves were very powerful. we wanted to experience a bit of mother nature so we stopped by the seawall at joppa and did our own frolicking there. i danced my camera through the raindrops. here are a few quick snippets. xo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the jumping pictures. :)