23 November 2010

[a lime slice]. sweet jack

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

i first met jack here - before he entered the world. and here after he entered the world. it's hard to believe he is almost a year. time certainly travels at a far faster speed than i would like! it has been a joy to have the opportunity to photograph this little guy. isn't he gorgeous?!!! and of course the afternoon was rather chilly and jack wasn't sure if he wanted to smile at me thank goodness bert and ernie saved the day! jack is dreamy.


























Angela said...

I adore these pictures!
You are the best.
Only you could take a grumpy baby and a cold, grey day and turn it into something magical!

Thank you so much!!!!!xoxoxo

Malia Enright Ott said...

ahhhh, thank heaven, for baby boys. you captured the magic of having such a love in a family. nice job, meg! and happy thanksgiving to jack and his mom and dad!