02 September 2010

[a lime slice]. teen cool

sometimes i want to be back in high school. [sometimes!]i loved high school. and to be honest, there are many things i would have changed. specifically my senior portrait. horrid!!!
i had a lovely evening in new hampshire with miss allison - walking around the beautiful elm farm, picking blueberries off bushes, spying on the chickens, enjoying all the horses [even though they made my palms sweaty and my  heart pound] and the lovely light.
allison, i hope your senior year is everything and more. i loved chatting with you - thanks for spending time with me. keep staying true to you - you have a great attitude!

















Kathy Campbell said...

These are gorgeous!

I too wish I could go back to high school. I'd totally get better portraits and also tell myself that I am AWESOME!

shannon said...

so beautiful meg!! love them!